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On Your Free Tour You will Get To See

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How our gym

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Days, time 

and pricing

5 star award

Frequently Asked Questions

? Question 1: What ages do you accept for NinjaZone classes?

Answer: Our ninja classes start as early as 18 months with our Baby Ninja Classes, then our Lil' Ninjas are 3 to 5 years old, and our Ninja Training classes are for kids ages 6 to 11. Urban Gymnastics is our newest addition to our ninja program for kids ages 12-14 years old.


? Question 2: Is NinjaZone only for boys?

Answer: Nope! We also offer Lil' Ninja Girl classes and Girls' Ninja Training. However they are in separate classes, as the NinjaZone program is not a co-ed program.

? Question 3: What is NinjaZone?

Answer: NinjaZone is a combination program that puts together gymnastics, tumbling, parkour, free-running, dance, and other martial arts. It's a little bit of everything, but the most important part is teaching kids to go from one movement to another fluidly!

? Question 4: How long are the classes?

Answer: Our classes are 55 minutes long broke up into 3-4 rotations on each event depending on that weeks lesson plan.

? Question 5: Do you have levels in NinjaZone? How will my child move up?

Answer: We do! Our ninjas have different colored headbands, like karate has belts. Every 3 months, we host a Ninja Mission where kids that are ready to move-up come in and test their skills! It also serves as a ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments in front of friends and families! 

Take a FREE tour first!


Schedule your spot by clicking the button below.

"I regret giving my child the opportunity to build better characteristics" 

- Said No One Ever.

PS - So heres the scoop - we love working with kids. For the most part 90% of our students move-up rather fast. As long as your willing to bring your child to the practices and help make sure they are trying their Best they should do just fine!

>>>> Most parents make the mistake of leave sports before their kid's even get a chance to learn actual character traits and give up on them too fast.    Hope you'r like us and agree sports are about unlocking things that will help children later in life!


Get Started With Us

Preschool Gymnastics

Girls Gymnastics

Tumbling Classes

Contact Us

Text (915) 590-9056 (Rojas)
Text (915) 521-8345 (Yarbrough)

Connect with Us

  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX
  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX
  • Gymnastics Classes in El Paso, TX

12115 Rojas Dr #900
El Paso, TX, 79936

3333 Yarbrough #B
El Paso, TX, 79925

Hours of Operation* (Office Hours)
*Office visits are by appointment only! Click the book tour button to schedule an appointment.
Monday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Tuesday             5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Wednesday       5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Thursday           5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Friday                 5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Saturday           10AM-12PM - Parties Only
Sunday               Parties Only
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