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Say hello to 3 very special, new members of our team at Gymnastics Elite, Smirk, Sneer, and Grin! Sneer is a big orange goofball, who loves to watch kids practice on vault, and the trampolines! He lives up on the deck and spends his free time cheering our students on when they are upstairs on the deck working out. His favorite color is, of course, orange! His hobbies including laughing, jumping on the trampoline, and watching all the newest movies. (His favorite movie at the moment is Frozen, shhhhh it’s a secret!) Smirk is a big blue bundle of LOVE! He lives over by the bars and the trampoline, he finds it to be very comfortable there. Smirk’s favorite thing in the world to do is to swing giants on the bars, but since he’s so shy he only does it when nobody is watching. He loves all of our students and coaches, and gives the best hugs! Some of his hobbies are hugging, swinging on bars, and reading Dr. Seuss books. His favorite food is Oreo cookies and milk. Next, we have Grin. Grin is the big yellow guy that lives over by the balance beams. His hobbies are, (yep, you guessed it!) performing routines on the beam, he enjoys working on ballet, and his favorite food is Cheetoh Puffs! You’d be surprised at how graceful and flexible Grin is. And you can count on him to always be there and cheer you on if you fall of the beam! His favorite skill to do on the beam is a side handstand dismount. And don’t forget our two other fellas. Happy is the green dude over on the back wall of the pit. He is Gymnastics Elite’s official Pit-Fluffer, he’s in charge of making sure our pit stays nice and fluffy. He loves jumping into the pit, and he just recently learned how to do a front tuck of the tumble track into the pit! Last but not least, we have Dr. Joy, D.D.S. Dr. Joy is Happy’s neighbor and his favorite color is purple. He is our in-house dentist, and works on the other faces’ great smiles! He loves to eat his vegetables and drink his H2O. He also enjoys taking selfies, since he has such a handsome smile. Next time you’re in the gym, say hi to our new friends!


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