Tumbling Clinic

What is a Tumbling Clinic? It’s an opportunity to work on and master skills or to simply start tumbling correctly. Our two-hour class, held every third Saturday of the month, are a blend of drills that are both beginner and advance friendly. The class runs from 1:30- 3:30 PM and is backed with three rotations consisting of the important fundamentals for tumbling and everyday tasks.· Coordination and Timing
· Flexibility
· Agility
· Control and Awareness of your body
· Strength
· Confidence and Determination
Our rotations will start on tumble track as a warm up for their skills. We will then move to trampoline to isolate individual skills while working at the child’s pace. Finally moving to the floor, during this time we will be breaking down into three smaller rotations of drills working on cartwheels, flip flops and running tumbling. By the end of the day our students will already have worked on mastering skills they came in with and moving to the next level.
Tumbling clinics are themed differently every month. These themes can vary from Cart-Wheel Boot Camp, Flip Flop Work Shop, Tumble Bars, Adult Tumbling, to Tune Ups. Each of them is designed for a specific age range. Cart-Wheel Boot Camp, Flip Flop Workshops and Tune Ups range from 6- 17 years old. Then our Adult Tumbling classes will range from 18 and up. For our Tumble Bars, ages will start from 3-5 years old. Each theme is designed for the age range ability and attention span. For example, our Tumble Bars Clinic will incorporate colorful props and fun little mine games. On the other hand, our Adult Tumbling Clinic will move at the student’s pace and will incorporate a lot of drills that will help the body move without worry. The Clinics will also cover the competitive side of tumbling with our Tune Up Clinic. This Clinic focuses on the skills that the students already have. Once seen they will be tuned to feel simpler and effortless.
Gymnastics Elite is a gym that looks for the average kid or adult and helps them conquer skills, once thought impossible. The Tumble Clinics at Gymnastics Elite is a great place to initiate tumbling in to your life. There is no other place that takes the time to get to know you and help you accomplish achievements that would never cross your mind twice.
What’s holding you back, don’t let it be that you didn’t try or simply because you think its impossible. We believe in you! let us show you what you can accomplish. All you have to do is come to one of our Tumbling Clinics at our location and put yourself amongst the people that can say, I can tumble! This feeling is like no other to be in control off your body or to see your child open a door that will fill them with confidence and body awareness. To see your child, look up with the biggest smile in their face when they did their first cart-wheel or they finally landed a flip-flop; this is what our coaches stride for and are inspired to do.